Ø 研究方向
1. 机器学习;深度学习
2. 人工智能科学计算;生物信息学
3. 智能汽车、自动驾驶
Ø 主要科研项目
1. 国家重点研发计划:品种分子设计育种平台;藏文文献数字化无损采集装置与数据处理;面向基础教育的类智能知识理解与推理关键技术;面向泛在场景的通用视觉对话模型与应用验证
2. 国家自然科学基金:混合交通流优化;出行行为理解
3. 工业与信息化部:车联网关键技术创新和应用平台
4. 湖北省重点重大项目:物联网多模态数据智能通算技术;低轨卫星承载网络关键技术研发;面向城区自动驾驶场景应用大模型数据采集、清洗关键技术研究
5. 企业合作:Auto-tuning算子优化;异构算子+模型优化(NLP+CV+ASR);智能网联汽车器件与算法开发;毕昇编译器异构场景下的计算表达和极致性能调优;大数据育种智能计算平台(崖州湾实验室揭榜项目);面向虚拟试衣试妝的高精度条件可控图像生成;面向植物单细胞数据分析的大规模基础模型
Ø 发表的最新论文(2024)
1. CycleVTON: A Cycle Mapping Framework for Parser-Free Virtual Try-On,AAAI 2024: 1618-1625, CCF A
2. Content-Style Decoupling for Unsupervised Makeup Transfer without Generating Pseudo Ground Truth,CVPR, 2024, CCF A
3. SHMT: Self-supervised Hierarchical Makeup Transfer via Latent Diffusion Models,NeurIPS 2024, CCF A
4. Visual Grounding with Multi-modal Conditional Adaptation,ACM Multimedia 2024, CCF A
5. Striving for Simplicity: Simple Yet Effective Prior-Aware Pseudo-Labeling for Semi-Supervised Ultrasound Image Segmentation, MICCAI, 2024 (医学图像领域顶会)
6. CausalCLiPSeg: Unlocking CLiP's Potential in Referring Medical Image Segmentation with Causal intervention, MICCAI, 2024 (医学图像领域顶会)
7. Multi-Agent Attention Double Actor-Critic Framework for Intelligent Traffic Light Control in Urban Scenarios With Hybrid Traffic,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23(1): 660-672, 2024, CCF A
8. An Efficient Message Dissemination Scheme for Cooperative Drivings via Cooperative Hierarchical Attention Reinforcement Learning,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23(5): 5527-5542, 2024, CCF A
9. CTOD: Cross-Attentive Task-Alignment for One-Stage Object Detection,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2024,中科院TOP期刊
10. Co-Enhanced Global-Part Integration for Remote-Sensing Scene Classification,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-14 (2024),中科院TOP期刊
11. Integrating Multi-subspace Joint Learning with Multilevel Guidance for Cross-Modal Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-17 (2024) ,中科院TOP期刊
12. Multiscale Salient Alignment Learning for Remote-Sensing Image-Text Retrieval,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-13 (2024) ,中科院TOP期刊
13. Integrating Detailed Features and Global Contexts for Semantic Segmentation in Ultra-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-14 (2024) ,中科院TOP期刊
14. Oriented Object Detector with Gaussian Distribution Cost Label Assignment and Task-Decoupled Head, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-16 (2024) ,中科院TOP期刊
15. Cross-Modal Remote Sensing Image-Audio Retrieval with Adaptive Learning for Aligning Correlation,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2024,中科院TOP期刊
16. SANet: A Self-Attention Network for Agricultural Hyperspectral Image Classification,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-15 (2024) ,中科院TOP期刊
17. A Joint Saliency Temporal-Spatial-Spectral Information Network for Hyperspectral Image Change Detection,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-15 (2024) ,中科院TOP期刊
18. Global-Group Attention Network With Focal Attention Loss for Aerial Scene Classification,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62: 1-14 (2024) ,中科院TOP期刊
19. SSAT ++ : A Semantic-Aware and Versatile Makeup Transfer Network With Local Color Consistency Constraint,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2024,中科院TOP期刊
20. Field detection of pests based on adaptive feature fusion and evolutionary neural architecture search, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024,中科院TOP期刊
21. Progressive Language-Aware Encoding and Decoding for Referring Expression Comprehension,
中国科学(信息科学),2024,CCF A
Ø 教学和科研工作简介
承担主持863、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金和湖北省重大创新计划等20余项目研究,获省部级以上教学和科研成果奖励一等奖4项,二等奖5项。出版专著3部,获国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助,获得国家发明专利授权50余项。在权威期刊TIP,TKDE, TMC,TITS,IoTJ,TGRS,TNNLS,TALLIP,TCBB,BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS等和会议CVPR,ICCV,NeurIPS, AAAI,ACM MM,DAC, COLING,BIBM,ICRA,ICASSP,INTERSPEECH等发表学术论文100余篇。